Without saying a word, vogel followed Mark and fully defined his position as a minion.
Zhang mask
"Pray for himiko …"
"Shut up!"
Mark glanced at vogel and said, "You made a guest appearance without Richard?"
Vogel opened his mouth and was wise to choose from the heart.
Mark shook his head and held the two directly, and then the violent car turned the whole passage.
Bang, bang, bang!
soon afterwards
In front of vogel, Mark’s strength played what is called all the way to push the contemporary drama
What slate fell?
What wall shoots poison arrows?
Mark took vogel directly to the valley where Queen himiko was buried like a stroll.
In the dark, the three-story wooden building in front is looming
Mark tiptoed on his hands and fiddled with the battle he had just won behind him.
Like pebbles, six naturally occurring gemstones with different colors.
Red, yellow, black, blue, white and green
Shaped like a square, shining in the dark
I have a good sense of weight in my hand, and there are no traces of cutting corners.
It’s just … a little petty.
We agreed on a mask.
Shouldn’t there be a gem?
Why is it only six dollars?
Move the six gems across Mark’s mind and directly pull the emerald one of the six gems to vogel and say, "The viewer has a piece for you."
"… thank you!" Vogel took the gem and thought for a moment, then silently put the emerald into his right pocket.
On the left? It’s filled with flowers on the other side!
Mark shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let’s go!"
If you change green to purple or other colors, Mark will not be so generous.
But green?
Mark always feels strange is not a good sign.
It’s better to give it away.
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